Film Evangelism Testimonies

Dear Prayer Partners,

Greetings from Mwanza, Tanzania in the Name of Jesus!

I hope that you are doing fine. Let me give you a short testimony of what happened when we were doing film evangelism. At the end of February, I met with some Pastors in Buhongwa village. We discussed the film ministry and I taught them about leadership. We planned a film ministry trip on March 6.

On March 6, 2011, my team started a journey to Buhongwa village. The journey was not so long because Buhongwa village is about 40 km from Mwanza City center. Buhongwa village has no electricity. They are using wells to get water. Some of the village citizens are drunk. My team trained 55 People on how to do evangelism and how to do follow-up.

Our team showed films over three days. Many people came to watch the film. Among those who were watching the film, one of the men was drunk. The pastors and my team did not think that person was receiving anything spiritual from the film. When they called people to receive Christ, that person did not come to receive Christ. However, the same person came to church the next day. He asked the pastor to lead him in a prayer to receive Christ. His wife also received Christ as her Savior. They are faithful believers in that church. We really saw the hand of God doing miracles. In this ministry, we show films to people in churches in many different denominations.

In some churches, they have very few church members. For example, one church had three church members. The members were the church pastor, his wife and one child. After the film ministry was presented in that church, the church now has 12 members who are committed to worship in that church. We give glory and honor to our Lord God. Moreover, I thank God for your prayers which has enabled me to do this ministry. Thank you for your prayers for my father, who was very sick. God bless you so much for your prayers. Thank you very much. Stay blessed.

Kepha team leader � Mwanza, Tanzania.

Greetings from Mwanza Tanzania

April 2011

How are you prayer partners? I hope that you are doing fine with your family. We are doing fine also. We have shown films in two towns in Tanzania: the names are Mabatini and Mlangommoja.

Mabatini is situated on the top of a hill. We were intending to show films there. In this town, there is no road for cars. It has road only where people can walk. It was hard to take film equipment up to the hill, but we thank God who has enabled us to do this work. We were showing the Jesus film here during Easter time. Some people have never seen the a film before. It was new to them and when they saw the crucifixion of Jesus Christ, they were crying. When they stopped crying, we took time to ask them what happened. They explained to us that it was terrible suffering and they were blaming the Jews to do such a bad thing to Jesus. Then we took time to explain to them that Jesus died for our sins. We told them not to blame the Jews for Jesus death, but it was our sins. They were shocked when they heard that it was their sins that lead Jesus there and some decided to pray to receive Jesus as their personal savior. We thank God for His wonderful outreach to that people. Thanks and God bless you so much.

Kepha � Film team leader Mwanza, Tanzania